DJ BoBo (CH)
Somebody Dance with Me, Let the Dream Come True, Love Is All Around
2017 will be the year of DJ BoBo 25. Stage-Anniversary, celebrating with a fantasticMYSTORIAL Show. This worldtour will be visiting several countrys in North- and Easteurope,Southamerica, Germany, Switzerland , Austria and the tour will be starting in January 2017 with24 concerts in Germany alone.
DJ BoBo is looking forward to his very special jubilee-tour: „Who would have ever tought, thatpeople are being loyal to me and my music for so many years. For this celebration-tour wehave a lot of specials to present. With MYSTORIAL the visitors will be part of a fascinating and exciting journey in time, which will stay in our memories forever.“
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DJ BoBo bookings from Room 5 Agency HERE.
And whosaw DJ BoBo live before, knows how magnificent and amusing his shows are, filled with lot`sof surprises, a spectacle for everybody as well as the whole family. Next to his new songs, ofcourse he will be playing all of his hits…we all know them, and they are still as exciting andsparkling as ever.
The BILD-newspaper wrote about his last tour: „DJ BoBo is reinventing himself everytime from scratch. DJ BoBo is a phenomenon!“ And it will be exactly like this again!In 25 years DJ BoBo developed not only to one of the most well-known swiss persons, but toone of the most international successful musicians of the last decades. More then 15 millionsold sound carriers, more then 250 Gold- and Platinum-awards, uncountable prizes and morethen 5 million visitors at his live-concerts– the friendly and likeable star is looking back to a realimpressing career and he is looking for more to come.
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Ask the price of DJ BoBo and availability for free info@room5.agency
Tel office +34 635 900 502 (Telegram, also WhatsApp). No cancellations in 17 years.